
SDG Explorer

How to introduce sustainable development into organisations? How to convince management to make a real contribution to sustainability and not just “greenwashing” products and value chains?

The SDG Explorer is a training programme that focuses on the 17 SDGs and shows how they can be applied concretely to lead the organisation towards sustainable management.

It is a hybrid self and corporate learning programme based on an open source app. It first addresses the individual employees, then the (small) teams and, based on their creative ideas, the management.

  1. Challenge Tackled
    How to introduce SDGs in an enterprise or organisation
    How to connect SD to the corporate management?
    How to involve staff members in a bottom-up approach?
    How to increase the (amount of) continuing professional development of staff members
  2. Target group, beneficiaries or clients
    Enterprises and organisations (private/public), profit non-profit
    Staff members
    Management (owners and HR)
  3. Solution
    Staff members explore the 17 SDGs, create their own sustainability preference profile and relate the SDG to their employing organisation. Next they select which relevant SDG(s) they want to tackle and develop an intervention plan for their workgroup/department. Based on the development plan they might contact their management to roll out the plan(s) and introduce an SDG intervention strategy which can be coupled to the corporate management (QM).
  4. Innovation
    The SDGs are introduced in a bottom-up participatory approach.
    The SDG explorer is a CPD which provides an attractive topic and opportunities for staff members to become active for SD.
    It is linked to a self-learning app (self-directed learning), which creates basic competence level for SDGs and SD on which the “management” process can start.
    As side effect more staff members are involved in rather “dry” management optimisation processes (in case of coupling with QM.
  5. Unique Selling Point
    The SDG explorer facilitates the introduction of a (corporate) sustainability management with a blended learning CPD and enables staff members to become drives for Sustainability in their organisations.
  6. Impact
    The SDG explorer is an efficient tool to introduce SD management. It involves the whole organisation and not only the management level. It contributes to the introduction of a “sustainability culture” and also promotes other management and process optimisation.
    It also works with applied digital tools that can be easily linked to other open-source software.
    It will be connected to a European network.
  7. Feasibility/Transferability
    High potential since material is available. However, it needs intermediate organisations to initiate internal CPD projects in these organisations. As usual additional funding is required on regional/national or international levels.

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Potential 84%