

The Smart (work) environment course is a Continuous Professional Development (CPD) course and it responds to the more and more emerging needs of companies to take concrete actions in regard to their Corporate Environmental Responsibility (CER).

The course can be transformed in a KA1 course to train educators of different European countries on how to apply the format and the assessment techniques.

The training is based on a competence oriented learning approach. Through an experiential learning approach the course directly targets the employees’
mentality enhancing their competences of sustainable thinking and environmental awareness. Also, participants will be able to put in practice and develop specific personal, social and organisational competences.


A growing number of small and medium size enterprises are looking for ways to act concretely towards their Environmental Sustainability with a limited amount of resources, both from the economic and the human resources point of view.

Target group

Companies, organisations, employees


A tailored learning offer where participants are confronted with a real environmentally damaged site or situation. 

With the facilitation of a trainer, companies will take concrete actions and develop environmentally sustainable strategies for themselves, the company and the society they live in. Participants will develop as well, competences such as creativity, decision-making and problem solving, which will improve the work environment and the professional efficacy of the group.


Through an experiential learning approach, the course directly targets the employees mentality enhancing their competences of sustainable thinking and environmental awareness.

Unique Selling Point

Tailored to nano, small and medium size enterprises. It offers personalised consultancy services to companies. It offers at the same time a learning opportunity for employees and a concrete sustainability (CSR) action.


Employees feel more engaged in the sustainability strategy of the company

The company embeds tools to contribute to the SDGs

Cleaner local environment

Feasibility / Transferability

Highly transferable since self-learning materials are online and it is adaptable to several environmentally damaged sites (beaches, parks, etc.)

Ms. Enrica Pautasso, e.pautasso@smarev.net

Potential 78%