
Sustainable Climate Action and Local Advocacy Youth Village

The project we are undertaking is titled ‘Sustainable Climate Action and Local Advocacy Youth Village’, or sometimes referred to as ‘Global Goals Trail’.

This is the first year of the project which begun January 1st 2021 and runs until January 1st 2022, although it will be an ongoing project every year with new members to the committee. On Friday 17th September, coinciding with Culture Night we launched our interactive SDG hub in Blackrock, Co. Cork. The project was carried out by a group of volunteers (aged 20-26) and includes important information about the goals and what can be done to achieve them, raised beds, birdhouses made from repurposed materials and a mural, representing who the volunteers consider to be their SDG Champions. For example, Caitríona Twomey of Cork Penny Dinners represents SDG 2 – Zero Hunger.

This group of volunteers have all spent time volunteering overseas with SERVE, an Overseas Development organisation. In conversations within this group it was discussed that many of those in their communities and their peers do not know much about the Sustainable Development Goals and this project is an action towards solving this problem. The project is volunteer led and is supported by SERVE.


In a time where we could not leave our homes, these dedicated volunteers came together to question how can we show people in our community that our actions locally, can effect those around the world. They saw a problem in their local

communities and set about finding a solution. At this point in our lives, climate justice should be at the top of our agenda.

These volunteers realise the situation is dire and that they can do more locally. That being said – the UN would not have created these goals if they did not think they could be achieved. That is what this group believes too. What we need to do now is spread the word and educate everyone of what can be done to play our part and act local while thinking globally.

Target group

Adult learners


The focus of this project is to educate those on not only the importance of achieving the 17 Global Goals, but also what simple things can be done by individuals every day with these goals in mind. From programmes run by SERVE such as

overseas volunteering training and global citizenship programme Think Global Act Local as well as Scala’s Meitheal retreat groups that visit the campus, hundreds of young people and adults are able to visit the trail and learn about the SDGs.

The group is in the process of creating a toolkit including interactive educational videos to increase their awareness about the SDGs and taking informed action. The toolkits will also include quizsheets and a guide in how to create your own Global Goals trail.

We are also beginning to welcome in Youth reach groups to do SDG workshops with them. Facilitators of these workshops have years of experience in carrying out these workshops.

Nearly 12,000 people have been reached by our social media content. Our committee members post regular SDG related.


Unique Selling Point

This project has brought together adults from many backgrounds to share their passions. We had the opportunity to meet members of the local community and build up relationships with the Cork Life Centre, Zimbabwean artist Elton Sibanda, even Caitríona Twomey from Cork Penny Dinners visited and described how honoured she was to be represented among the other SDG champions on our mural.


The main outcome that is hoped for from this project is that people will visit our trail and learn about the SDGs and how they can be achieved. We are nearly two years into the Decade of Delivery, it is more important now than ever.

1,000 local community members who visit the SRCC Campus every year will be able to visit the trail and learn about the SDGs.

200 local students (primary and secondary) will use interactive videos to increase their awareness about the SDGs, EU values, and learn more about taking informed action.

Over 10,000 local community members have already been reached by the social media content, increasing their awareness about the SDGs, EU values, and learn more about taking informed action.

12 adult members of the Group who deliver the project benefit from coaching support provided, learning skills in leadership, sustainability and how to create your own action projects. The volunteers answered a KAP survey at the beginning of the project and will complete another one post project year.

Potential 98%